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Introduction of Governance Policies

             One of the essential roles of the board of trustees is to implement and manage a governing process that oversees the entire school district.  To effectively encompass that charge, the trustees of Fremont County School District #2 have engaged in a governance model that has allowed them to develop and adopt specific roles and    responsibilities for the board and the superintendent of schools.  This document addresses those specific issues as well as sharing the school districts vision, mission and performance expectations of our students.

          In developing this document the board has strategically focused its roles, taking a broad view of the organizational needs of the school district.  The board in its governance policies has committed to work in collaboration with the superintendent, the school staff and the community as a whole.  It is strategically focused and begins to make sense as we consider the different roles of the board, school time management, and resource procurement and allocation.

The district’s mission, vision and goals describe the fundamental beliefs that are held by the board of trustees and the administration as defined in the district’s strategic plan.  The alignment of district policy and the commitment of the board to govern within the parameters of its mission, vision and goals is no small task, and it requires a focus on governance through board leadership.



                                                                        - Fremont Co. School District #2 Board of Trustees


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